werk en prive ook online scheiden? zo doe je dat

Separate work and private life online too? Here's how!

Time to read 2 min

What are you going to do?

With the advent of the online world and the many technological innovations that come with it, we can be reached anywhere and anytime. Not only privately, but also for work. This is of course an enormous flexibility and freedom, but it also has disadvantages. What is difficult for many people, for example, is the separation of work and private life. You can now always expect a call from your boss, your customers can always app and you also always see those annoying emails from colleagues passing by. How do you maintain the balance between work and private life for yourself online? You can read that in this blog.

Two numbers 

In many cases, you get a nice phone from your employer. It is therefore tempting, especially when this is allowed by the employer, to also use this number privately. This is not only in the weekend, but also in the evenings and during the holidays. This means that you never have a moment when you really distance yourself from your work. You then have the risk (the sliding scale) that you then always have to be available for work. That is why it is advisable to always have and keep a number for private use only. The cheapest Sim Only subscriptions are available for a few euros per month, and you know for sure that you will not be disturbed during holidays. You do not have to worry about the costs, and it can give you an enormous feeling of freedom.

Social media 

Something that many people unfortunately forget is that colleagues can also look at your social media. It is therefore good to consider in advance whether you want them to have access to this as well. In any case, make sure that your profile is not accessible to everyone. It is good to keep control over this yourself. It is not crazy to decide that you would rather not have colleagues on social media, you can draw a line here and this is not immediately as if you have something to hide. So think carefully about what you publicly reveal about yourself on social media, but also who you give access to your online profile and information. LinkedIn, on the other hand, is a completely different story, and it is good to involve your colleagues and business relations. This way you can build your network and visibility.

In short, the digital age requires other points of attention and things to be aware of. Being online is an example of this. Realize that the fact that you are always available does not necessarily mean that you always are. Go for the way that works for you and really draw a line between the two. In the long term, this is not only good for yourself but will also work better for your employer. They prefer someone who always performs than someone who is absent for a long time, and this applies to both interns and regular employees!